2019 Schedule of Examinations

Click on the Examination Title below to see the Examination Announcement

The page was last updated on January 2, 2020

Applicable study guides for some examinations may be found at the New York State Department of Civil Service Website(link is external)

Key to Abbreviations:
(oc)=open competitive, (prom)=promotion, (idp)=interdepartmental promotion, (t&e)=training and experience 

Examination Number Title Type Last File Date Examination Date
63447 Senior WIC Program Nutritionist(link is external) (oc) 11/6/19 12/14/19
73241 Deputy Sheriff - Captain(link is external) (prom) 9/10/19 10/19/19
67141 Index Clerk/Typist(link is external) (oc) 9/4/19 10/19/19
64139 Community Relations Specialist(link is external) (oc) 9/4/19 10/19/19
63974 Senior Crisis Intervention Counselor(link is external) (oc) 9/4/19 10/19/19
67884 Crisis Intervention Counselor(link is external) (oc) 9/4/19 10/19/19
64026 Fire Inspector(link is external) (oc) 9/4/19 10/19/19
73744 Deputy Sheriff - Detective Lieutenant(link is external) (prom) 9/4/19 10/19/19
73732 Deputy Sheriff - Lieutenant(link is external) (prom) 9/4/19 10/19/19
63486 Personnel Assistant Trainee(link is external) (oc) 9/4/19 9/28/19
64521 Police Officer/Deputy Sheriff(link is external) (oc) 7/31/19 9/14/19
67185 Alternative Sentencing Crew Supervisor(link is external) (oc) 5/21/19 6/22/19
62037 Probation Assistant(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
62509 Probation Assistant (Spanish Speaking)(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
63013 Probation Officer 1(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
63065 Probation Officer 1 (Spanish Speaking)(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
62772 Probation Officer 1 Trainee(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
62946 Probation Officer 1 Trainee (Spanish Speaking)(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
69450 Social Welfare Examiner Trainee(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
69454 Social Welfare Examiner Trainee (Spanish Speaking)(link is external) (oc) 5/15/19 6/22/19
56820 Social Services Attorney(link is external) (oc) (t&e) 5/14/19 5/14/19
56552P Senior Social Services Attorney(link is external) (prom) (t&e) 5/14/19 5/14/19
56552 Senior Social Services Attorney(link is external) (oc) (t&e) 5/14/19 5/14/19
57025P Supervising Social Services Attorney(link is external) (prom) (t&e) 5/14/19 5/14/19
57025 Supervising Social Services Attorney(link is external) (oc) (t&e) 5/14/19 5/14/19
68287 Transportation Supervisor(link is external) (oc) 4/16/19 6/1/19
60686 Research Assistant(link is external) (oc) 3/26/19 5/11/19
60469 Comptroller(link is external) (oc) 2/5/19 3/16/19
60502 Employee Benefits Specialist (BOCES)(link is external) (oc) 2/5/19 3/16/19
64030 Personnel Services Administrator(link is external) (oc) 2/5/19 3/16/19
62166 Crime Victim Counselor(link is external) (oc) 2/1/19 3/2/19
62177 Crime Victim Counselor (Spanish Speaking)(link is external) (oc) 2/1/19 3/2/19
75196 Crime Victim Counselor/Volunteer Coordinator(link is external) (prom) 2/1/19 3/2/19
75221 Senior Crime Victim Counselor(link is external) (prom) 2/1/19 3/2/19
60771 Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent(link is external) (oc) 1/22/19 3/2/19
60781 Secretary (Special Education Program)(link is external) (oc) 1/22/19 3/2/19
68321 Secretary to the Director of Purchasing(link is external) (oc) 1/22/19 3/2/19
65110 Dispatcher(link is external) (oc) 12/4/18 1/19/19
60631 Payroll/Personnel Assistant(link is external) (oc) 11/20/18 1/5/19
72884 Director of Facilities I(link is external) (prom) 11/16/18 1/5/19
72890 Director of Facilities II(link is external) (prom) 11/16/18 1/5/19
72891 Director of Facilities III(link is external) (prom) 11/16/18 1/5/19

For Your Information: 
Applications are available on-line or at the Ulster County Personnel Department Monday through Friday during the hours between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at the following address:

Ulster County Personnel Department
County Office Building, 244 Fair Street
Kingston, NY 12402

You may also mail a self-addressed stamped envelope with your request; however, if you do request forms by mail, please allow sufficient time to be sure you meet any announced filing deadlines.