The Resource Center for Accessible Living (RCAL) has a variety of medical equipment to take out on loan for a term of up to 3 months, but extensions are possible. A partial list of items usually on hand:
- Canes/crutches
- Walkers
- Commodes with buckets/shower chairs
- Bath transfer chairs
- Wheelchairs
- Rollators
- Hoyer lift (if available)
- Hospital bed (if available)
- Bed rails/guards
- Other small medical items are sometimes donated and available. Some of these items are in short supply, and may not always be available.
Loan closet hours of operation: Open weekdays from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
Cost: $10 for small items such as walkers, canes, etc., $15 for items such as rollators and knee walkers, and $30 for larger items like wheelchairs, for a three month period, and $50 for ramps. Loan can be extended for an additional three month period at the same rate. Fee can be waived if there is financial need.
If interested in borrowing any of the listed equipment or donating used equipment (including items not listed), to make an appointment, or for more information, please contact RCAL at 845-331-0541.
Address: 727 Ulster Ave. Kingston NY 12401